Friday, October 31, 2014

Pumpkin Chunkin' Review

Please write a review of the portion of "Pumpkin Chunkin' 2010" that we watched in class.

Things to include:

  • Your opinion of the video - Was it interesting?  Did it show you something new?
  • A short (3 or 4 sentences) description of what the movie was about.
  • A suggestion of how the movie could have been improved or a particular part you liked and why.
  • A brief explanation of how one of the machines worked to launch a pumpkin.  What forces did it use and where did the machine get them from.
  • A brief explanation of how the pumpkins moved through the air after they were launched.   What factors changed the way and how far the pumpkins flew.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Monday, September 8, 2014

Design Your Own Rocket Experiment

1.  Describe the experiment you chose to do, what were your independent, dependent, and control variables.

2.  Describe the challenges and benefits of working in your particular lab group.

3.  Describe the challenges that arose because everyone in the whole class was trying to launch rockets at the same time.

4.  Give your opinion of the activity.  Was it interesting?  Fun?  Educational?  Boring?  But, give a reason for your opinion.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Natural Law Lab

Create a blog post about the Natural Law Lab.

1.  Describe how the game that we played is like people doing science.  What is similar?  What is different?

2.  Describe one game that you played and how you tried to figure out the rule.  Describe what the rule turned out to be and why you guessed successfully or unsuccessfully.

3.  Include at least one picture of the cards from one of the games.  You may want to illustrate your answer to #2 with some shots of the cards as the game was progressing.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Tallest Tower

Tallest Tower Blog Post

Please create a blog post titled "The Tallest Tower Activity" with the following parts:

1.  Describe what the activity was and what you were trying to do.  Mention who was on your team, but only use their first name!

2.  Describe how your team tried to get the biggest possible ratio of height to weight.  What did you try to make big and what did you try to make small.

3.  Describe what was the best part about your tower.

4.  Describe one thing that you would have improved about your tower.

5.  List at least two other good ideas you saw other teams use in their tower designs.

6.  List at least two things that you learned or ways you improved your skills by doing this project.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Welcome to the Teacher's Edition of JHHS Physics 519 Experiment and Lab Blog.